Chinaza Agbor joined us on the project in September 2022. Agbor’s work deals with the multiple identities negotiated by Black women in a capitalist, consumerist society. Agbor’s paintings reflect the active choice made by Black women to be joyful in the face of oppression, described by the artist as "a sliver of happiness". The resulting paintings are bright, and unapologetically joyful, utilising bold strokes of colour to depict the beauty of this joy. The works made on the project experiment with perspective and form, which make us question our position in this narrative. As viewers we are placed in the position of the voyeur; a glance of a nude woman past a bare hip, a reaching hand already in motion.

Chinaza Agbor was born in Dallas, Texas. She is a recent graduate the Royal College of Art where she received her master's degree in Painting. Exhibitions include Mother of all Mankind, HOFA Gallery, London, UK, 2020; Without a Painter, Fitzrovia gallery, London, UK, 2020; Your Space or Mine Project, The Molasses Gallery, London, UK, 2020.